Periods Hygiene or Menstrual Hygiene, How & Why To Maintain?

Periods Hygiene or Menstrual Hygiene, How & Why To Maintain?

Last Updated on August 18th, 2020 The menstrual cycle or periods is a normal process that most women go through from puberty to menopause. Without this biological process, birth and perpetuation of humans wouldn’t be possible. But it is important to maintain proper menstrual hygiene or otherwise called as periods hygiene for healthy body. Let us understand it in detail. However, many myths revolve around menses — possibly due to a lack of knowledge caused…

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Why Personal Hygiene and Sanitation are Important for Good Health

Why Personal Hygiene and Sanitation are Important for Good Health

Last Updated on January 25th, 2021 Personal Hygiene and Sanitation are 2 very important aspects of our day to day life that we must keep an eye on. Bad hygiene is the leading cause of many common & easily spreadable diseases. Keeping good hygiene can therefore reduce the chances of getting in contact with those health issues. Personal Hygiene includes many things like for instance washing your hands after every meal and before every meal…

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